The following explanation of charges quotes particular sections of Princeville Utilities Company, Inc.’s (PUCI’s) tariff as approved by the State of Hawai'i Public Utilities Commission (HPUC).
Water and Water Energy charges are billed based on service period, mid month to the following mid month. Water Standby, Sewer, and Sewer Energy are billed on a calendar month.
Water (See page 40 of tariff)
Applicable to all water customers. Volume charge at $1.517 per 1000 gallons
Water Standby (See page 40 of tariff)
Applicable to all water customers. Assessed in other jurisdictions as a meter fee or service fee. It is designed to recover the fixed expenses incurred by PUCI to keep the water and sewer systems operational, whether or not the services are actually used.
Meter Size (inches) Monthly Charge Per Installed Meter
5/8” $ 6.11
3/4” $ 7.63
1” $ 12.21
1-1/2" $ 24.42
2” $ 33.58
3” $ 68.68
4” $144.99
6” $221.31
8” $381.56
Water Energy (See page 25 of tariff)
Automatic Power Cost Adjustment. Applicable to all water customers. PUCI’s current rates were approved by the HPUC in 1997, based upon (among other things) its operational costs at that time. This charge allows PUCI to recover subsequent increases in electrical costs related to the operation of PUCI’s water systems.
Sewer (See page 40 of tariff)
Monthly Flat Rate Sewer Usage Charge. Applicable to all residential sewer customers. $35.91 per single-family or multi-family unit.
Sewer Standby (See page 40 of tariff)
Applicable to all non-residential sewer customers. Assessed in other jurisdictions as a meter fee or service fee. It is designed to recover the fixed expenses incurred by PUCI to keep the water and sewer systems operational, whether or not the services are actually used.
Meter Size (inches) Monthly Charge Per Installed Meter
5/8” $ 48.84
3/4” $ 61.04
1” $ 97.65
1-1/2" $ 195.34
2” $ 268.60
3” $ 549.40
4” $ 1,159.84
6” $ 1,770.29
8” $ 3,052.22
Sewer Energy (See page 38 of tariff)
Automatic Power Cost Adjustment. Applicable to all sewer customers. PUCI’s current rates were approved by the HPUC in 1997, based upon (among other things) its operational costs at that time. This charge allows PUCI to recover subsequent increases in electrical costs related to the operation of PUCI’s sewer systems.
Sewer Commercial (See page 40 of tariff)
Applicable to all non-residential sewer customers. Volume charge at $5.668 per 1,000 gallons of water
Sewer Inspection Fee
PUCI’s tariff includes the requirement to pay a Sewer Inspection Fee for the inspection of new sewer connections to PUCI’s sewer system by a PUCI inspector. The Sewer Inspection Fee is typically paid in conjunction with the submittal of a customer’s Application for Utility Service. This fee is currently $35, and may be adjusted from time to time.
The inspection is mandatory and must be conducted prior to backfill of the connection by the contractor. Requests for inspection should be made at least 24 hours in advance, and can be made by calling 808-826-3920.
Contribution In Aid of Construction
As a condition of receiving water or sewer service, customers shall pay a non-refundable CIAC to PUCI to offset the acquisition, improvement or construction costs of facilities intended to increase the capacity, efficiency or quality of PUCI’s water and sewer systems. The CIAC shall not apply to properties within Phase I of the Princeville development.
The CIAC is similar in nature to the County of Kauai Water Department’s Facilities Reserve Charge.
Due to the significant number of water customers outside of Phase I of the Princeville development who began to request service some years ago, a letter was sent to all properties within PUCI’s water service area to which the water CIAC would pertain. The letter summarizes the function of the CIAC, and can be read by clicking the link HERE.
Deposit for Rental Tenants, Lessees, or Purchasers Under an Agreement of Sale
Paragraph 2 of Section V on Sheet 8 of PUCI’s tariff states that:
"An advance deposit equal to PUCI's estimate of two months' water charges will be required of tenants, lessees and purchasers of property under an agreement of sale. When the consumer vacates the property and a new consumer takes possession or acquires a legal interest in the property, whichever occurs first, the advance deposit will be returned less all unpaid or outstanding water charges."