We are:
• An investor-owned utility company;
• Regulated by the State of Hawai’i Public Utilities Commission;
• A provider of drinking water and wastewater services to Princeville and surrounding areas on the north shore of Kaua’i;
• Dedicated to providing an efficient, reliable service to our customers while we act as good stewards of our environment.
Water Conservation
Water conservation is everyone’s responsibility. Part of PUCI’s responsibility is the diligent location and repair of leaks in our water system. You can also help by making sure that your water use helps to preserve supplies for our customers of today and tomorrow.
Toilet flushing is by far the largest single use of water in a home. Many toilets use from four to six gallons of water for each flush.
Water your lawn for longer periods a couple of times a week, rather than for short periods every day.
“To take anything for granted, is in a real sense, to neglect it and that is how most of us treat water.”
Community Endeavors
Princeville Utilities Company Inc. (PUCI) is dedicated to our island community and believes in supporting its local organizations. With that in mind, we would like to share information about some of the Kaua'i organizations that we support.
Kauai North Shore Community Foundation (KNSCF)
The Kauai North Shore Community Foundation was created to enhance the educational, cultural and charitable vitality of Kauai’s North Shore and includes the communities of Anahola, Moloa’a, Kilauea, Princeville, Hanalei, Wainiha, Haena and all places in between. The Foundation’s focus is on four key areas: Education & Culture, Youth & Seniors, Health & Wellness and Public Spaces.
March of Dimes
The March of Dimes is the nation’s original fundraising walk and one of the largest in Hawaii. Funds raised from the annual March for Babies help find the causes of prematurity and birth defects through research, education and treatments.
Mokihana Aquatics Kauai
Mokihana Aquatics Kauai hosts annual Fun Meets drawing swimmers, from ages 6 on up, from Oahu, Maui, Big Island and the mainland for a day of friendly competition.
Kauai Chamber of Commerce
Each year the Chamber addresses a number of concerns affecting the business community. Issues that have been explored include privatization, zoning by initiative, the high cost of workers compensation and unemployment insurance, revisions to the Kaua`i sign ordinance, priorities for the improvement of our highways, harbors and parks, and the Lihu`e Airport Master Plan Improvements.
A major activity of the Chamber is its advocacy role represented through the Government Affairs Committee (GAC) which reviews legislation and provides testimony on behalf of the membership. Another GAC activity is the monthly meeting that rotates between the Mayor and the County Council which provides a direct link between the business community and County officials to discuss items of benefit to members. The monthly and quarterly events provide members numerous opportunities to network and strengthen business relationships and newcomers the opportunity to learn more about the Chamber.
Water Environment Federation
The Water Environment Research Federation supports clean water environment research.